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 This new process incorporates all the changes introduced by the SAI Platform in the latest version of the "FSA Requirements for Verification Bodies and Auditors". The evaluation is carried out by GLOBALG.AP, and the positive results of this evaluation are presented in la UPS platform, pending a final decision on whether or not the OV is accepted for the FSA rule.

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What is AH - DLL GROW?

+ benefits 

  • The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Platform is a global food and beverage value chain initiative that advocates for sustainable agriculture. The overall objective of the SAI Platform is to support the development of sustainable agriculture throughout the world. To achieve this goal, the initiative has developed the tool for the Agricultural Sustainability Assessment (FSA).

What is the benefit of making an FSA statement?


The FSA is widely recognized as a benchmark in the food and beverage industry for sustainable crop production. It was created with the goal of fostering industry-wide adoption of best management practices that improve farm performance and sustainability outcomes. If the GGFSA add-on is used, there is no need to participate in multiple company-specific sustainability schemes, as it provides an approach that is recognized across the industry.

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