Nurture is an independent scheme of the international retail chain TESCO first introduced in 1992. The main objective of this scheme is to assure the consumer that the fruit and vegetables from TESCO's suppliers are grown in an environmentally responsible manner.
What does NURTURE MODULE V11 do?
+ benefits
It provides confidence to consumers.
Ensure access to markets.
Compliance with the requirements established for suppliers of products to the TESCO distribution chain.
Reduces third party inspections performed by the distribution.
More efficient and dynamic control of risks to food safety.
Facilitates compliance with the reference legislation:
Streamlines effective communication with all stakeholders:
The TESCO Supplier Certification Program was included as an additional assessment module included in the GLOBALG.AP IFA V5 certification process and was renamed NURTURE MODULE V11.
Provide confidence to consumers about food safety, environmental and labor standards through the requirements established in the GLOBALG.AP protocol and its strengthening through a higher degree of demand than the legal requirements regarding the use of phytosanitary products.
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